9 Ways to Keep Bugs Out of Your Yard This Summer
It’s the time of year that so many of us anticipate. The weather’s getting warmer and we’re able to enjoy the sunny outdoors. The one GOOD thing about winter though is the lack of insects. 😉 With warm weather come bugs!
If you want to enjoy this summer in your yard WITHOUT bugs, check out these 9 tips!
1.) Make sure you don’t have water collecting in your yard. Change out the water in bird feeders and kiddie pools. Keep your gutters clear to avoid water pooling in them. Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, yuck!
2.) Flies and ants LOVE your trash cans and recycling bins, so keep them covered and away from areas you like to entertain or relax in!
3.) While you’re barbecuing this summer, keep all your food covered up to avoid attracting those pesky insects as much as possible!
4.) Here’s one that some of you may not be too crazy about. Which do you hate more: insects or bats? J But, we know that bats eat insects. In fact, bats eat several thousand insects every night! So, you may want to consider building a little “bat house” for bats to hole up in so they can feast on your insects at night. 😉
5.) You may enjoy birds in your yard more than bats. Most birds include insects as a part of their diet, so why not make your yard a little more inviting for those pretty little creatures? Set out a bird feeder and maybe a bird bath so birds enjoy coming in to your yard, while they get rid of some of those bugs for you in the process.
6.) Keep your grass cut, trim tall weeds, and clear away any brush. Insects love to cozy up in overgrown brush.
7.) Light some citronella candles when you’re having your backyard parties and barbecues. Citronella oil is approved by the FDA and is found in naturally bug-repellant grasses. It masks scents like carbon dioxide and human lactic acid, which bugs find so appealing. 😉
8.) Pre-treat your yard the night prior to having your backyard parties with Off!. It’ll kill and repel insects for up to 8 weeks.
9.) Plant some Mum, Marigolds, Lavender or Lemongrass in your yard. These plants are well-known to repel certain types of bugs.
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