Author: Real Estate Club of America

Deadly Self-Defense When You Don’t Have A Gun

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

deadly self-defense (OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA)

Kali is most likely the cheapest and easiest martial art to learn and exercise. No fancy gears and uniform are necessary. What a beginning student only needs are a couple of broomsticks, and of course, a fantastic teacher or guro. And because there’s little need for muscle strength, practically anyone can learn kali — even an 11-year-old kid or an obese 50-year-old adult.
Have you ever learned kali or a unique martial art? Do you believe it is a deadly self-defense alternative to guns? Share your thoughts in the comments section below:
Kali as an art and a fighting system survived and is our national sport. In addition, it is an integral component of the training for our SWAT police and army. Its practicality and combat effectiveness have been tested and proven over centuries of shared street skirmishes and all-out military wars. It’s no wonder that the U.S. Army and the Russian Spetsnaz currently use kali as well.

Another difference of kali from other martial arts is that students practice sparring right from the beginning, unlike others that prioritize and spend periods of time on empty hands training, complicated footwork, and stances. One of the benefits of learning weaponry early on is that it quickly develops manual dexterity and coordination of both the left and right sides of the body, and improves overall muscle memory. Additionally, it trains the student to psychologically face an armed opponent, and also to produce rapid, conditioned responses to various kinds of attacks — including those with many adversaries.

Since kali relies heavily on speed, time, accuracy, and agility, many of the moves require little if any muscle power at all. A lot of kali’s strength and efficiency really comes from the constant motion and the precision of these strikes. Kalistas possess a keen sense of motion and can anticipate how an enemy’s arms and body lunge and thrust. They train to block these and immediately decide if, when, and where exactly to strike back. They also have a heightened awareness of their surroundings, so that they can think quickly and improvise weapons.
We can give lots of the credit for the rise in popularity of kali into the late Chinese martial arts superstar Bruce Lee. He used it in his movies in the 1970s. In actuality, Lee learned kali from his Filipino friend Dan Inosanto. Inosanto also trained several of the instructors now operating kali schools in the U.S. and Hollywood even hired him to teach their actors.

Exactly why Kali?

When the Americans took over in 1898, they lifted the ban on kali. Individuals then held friendly contests in town facilities on particular occasions. In World War II when it was Japan’s turn to invade usFilipinos worked alongside Americans in guerrilla units to fend off them during close quarter encounters. A number of our guys probably owed their lives to their kali abilities and trusty bolos.
When seen concerning disaster preparedness in the American setting, kali can match your safety preps for protecting your loved ones and property.

And why should anybody who already carries a gun need to learn it as a way of deadly self-defense?

What The Practice Of Kali Looks Like Today

Kali is a complete martial art. It maximizes both armed and unarmed techniques for deadly self-defense, unlike other areas that usually focus on only one area.

Actor Denzel Washington discovered it for a few months to perform his fight scenes in the movie The Book of Eli. Matt Damon and Tom Cruise learned it, also, because of their roles in, respectively, The Bourne Identity and Mission Impossible 3. Comic book superheroes like Nightwing and video game characters in Mortal Kombat also use its combat methods.

Additionally, because you can’t carry a gun with you everywhere all the time, and gun stores are often in short supply of compost, kali could be your best choice for deadly self-defense.

An extra advantage to taking up the sport is that the physical fitness that results from the normal cardio-vascular workout. Many schools, in fact, teach the game outside, with shoes on, to provide pupils a semblance of a real street-fight atmosphere.

Historical accounts say that when Spanish conquerors landed on Philippine shores in the 16th century, indigenous warriors drove back them merely with sticks, bolos (cutting tools similar to machetes), daggers, and spears. The Spaniards had to retreat to their ships and use firearms to win against the natives. When Filipinos succumbed to Spanish rule, kali came close to extinction. The Spaniards forbade that anybody use it, but my ancestors kept it alive nonetheless. They practiced in secret and integrated it in their stage plays and spiritual dances.

However, it also employs an assortment of strategic tools and techniques. Kalistas or eskrimadors train to be resourceful, with common items like pens, car keys, a belt, PVC pipe, broken bottles, or even a handkerchief as weapons. Methods involve kicking, leg sweeping, foot stomping, head butting and thrusting, and a great deal of empty-hand battle like blocking, weapon disarming, wrist flicking, striking, hooking, joint locks and take-downs.

The article Deadly Self-Defense When You Don’t Have A Gun appeared on Off The Grid News.
Recognition of kali in Egyptian arts has just spread in the last couple of decades. Nevertheless, it was used as early as the 12th century in my own country, the Philippines. Ethnic tribes and seeing traders from other Asian and Arab areas contributed to its development throughout the ages. So, the art evolved into a combination of ethnic styles that it is now.
Kali is said to be a complete martial art. It maximizes both armed and unarmed defense, unlike many others that usually focus on only one. Kalistas become adept at fighting with or without weapons and are comfortable at all combat ranges: long range with feet and weapons, medium range with only hands, and close range with elbows and knees.

The first and most remarkable thing you’d probably notice about kali is the dynamic flow. Movements are fast, continuous, fluid and rhythmic, almost dance-like. This is to provide an enemy no chance for ensuing attacks. The moment you stop moving, you become more likely to additional advances.

By Real Estate Club of America June 10, 2019 Off

The current property market is like a dose of white arsenic sprinkled into a wedding cake.

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

Take a bucket of piss and call it granny’s peach tea – For six years since Q3 2012, my views on the current state of the private land market remains what it is.

The scent of money in the water often contributes to a feeding frenzy. Buyers move in like a lion and come out like a lamb — constantly.

I’m not going to bore readers (and potential buyers) with painted numbers and showroom statistics to prove a point. Has the current property market taken its toll on my realism? No. I am still realistic. I just keep it secure behind a carapace of scepticism.

I am constantly amazed how current buyers act like flies drawn to light. They hopelessly believe there’s a light behind the door. And I’m the one who has to tell them the door is locked, and the bulb burned out a long time ago anyway (six years to be exact). The machine required to eat, and they were in the plate. The media and most people who lived and dreamed out the machine did not get it.

What’s the difference between a catfish and a property developer?

A man told me once that when you get towards the end of your road, you need to check at the community woodpile and choose if you added to it while you were here or if you simply took it. I sleep great at night. However, I wonder about”them” and their kind. Home developers of today are takers from the woodpile.

The developer’s tactic was clear — when strapped with land to purchase and decent property to sell, pad it with quasi-factoids. Agents further embellished the tale of easy money and by the time buyers had purchased it, any profits of profit that might have been there were long gone.

The truth never stands in the way of a fantastic story. Then, there are people who, fooled by sales agents and developer’s tagline, think they are partaking of functions based on authentic investors. Within the markets lay some inkling of the greater game that was being played, one in which current buyers were more than a pawn but under a king.

These days, everybody appears to believe in Santa Claus. How’s that? Since they believe in something for nothing. Latest buyers are exuberant into the chance of profitability, sometimes to a point beyond rational estimate of probabilities. It’s also a parable on the dangers of excessive leverage fuelled by childish exuberance by buyers and programmers alike. Many will choose to believe the whole farrago, against their own better sense.

Changing facts and fiction — it’s plausible. The”experts” could piss in a cup and eager buyers would call it wine, but I offer them pure cold water and they squint in suspicion and mutter to each other about how queer it tastes. (FYI: I recently bought a simple half-a-million-dollars selling a property bought in 2011)

Advice for middle-class private home buyers: A property showroom is a buyer’s paradise, where everything is carefully designed to allow you to crave the lifestyle that looks a lot more real on the walls than in fact.

A costly home is expensive to maintain especially one that is bought at the wrong price. In case you had one, you need to spend time in it to justify purchasing it. That sounds kind of like putting the cart before the horse. You borrow heavily against future earnings to have an expensive liability which gets you old and broke very quickly.

Advice for yet-to-be-investors: In the markets there are 3 things for you to always consider: the knowns, the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns. It’s your job to master the first two and always be prepared for the third.

Advice for current”investors” who bought properties recently: at this time, you’re no longer entitled to refer yourself as an”investor”. You may call yourself a speculator, but not an investor.

All of your life various individuals,”experts”, self-vested-interest profiteers and the likes will tell you things. And most of the time, probably ninety-five percent of the time, what they will tell you’ll be wrong. It’s a fact of life. It’s hard to know who to believe.

If you want to learn TRUTHS that hardly any property experts are willingly to disclose, check out my NEW eBook,”Real Estate is a Harsh Mistress”. 

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By Real Estate Club of America June 10, 2019 Off

How To Deal With Under Market Rentals?

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

1 – Illegally boost their rent somehow.

I see this as the greatest structural risk to an already precarious housing situation for tenants, landlords just selling, slowly but surely.

Happy Selling!

For many people the logical solution is simple to vote with their feet and market. Investment condos are purchased to be sold. It only takes a small disturbance in their life situation or a poor tenant to push them into cashing out their gains by selling.

4 – Suck it. Until they choose to leave, live to your existing tenants.
I frequently hear from landlords these days as landlords (especially condo landlords) are squeezed by negative cash flow, increasing maintenance fees and expenses and pitiful rent increases of less than 2 percent each year.

Meanwhile many landlords are trolling MLS looking for the lease price their condominium could get if their tenants moved out. Look at that I could find an extra $400 per month… or $600 a month… or $800 per month.

Condo landlords particularly are not even able to access the Rent Increase over the Guideline first due to the expense of the application and legal representation, it’s just not sensible. Secondly the law doesn’t allow it for maintenance fee increases.
Number 1 and 2 have severe consequences, essentially from the present environment, any monies you receive from increasing someone’s lease must be paid back, including any future rent increases based on that illegal rent increase if the tenant figures it out and goes to the Landlord & Tenant Board
3 – Sell the place, enjoy your gains.
This leaves

It was a grave public coverage error to ever depend on such fractional ownership in lieu of purpose built rental housing, which will come back to haunt our society. We need a public policy which relies on steady ownership of rentals, and doesn’t dehouse tenants each time a landlord has to cash in their condo to fund their maternity leave or end the negative cash flow.

Many landlords have also had to shoulder the burden of increases in their mortgage payments as their interest rates went up.

If you give fake see that you will move in, you have to pay the tenant one month’s rent and you have to live there for a year and you cannot sell it or lease it. Penalties are tough including a possible $25K fine. So no.

The expense of turning over the tenancy is rarely accounted for in these calculations, however; for the landlord who is constantly shoveling money in their condo, not having the ability to increase the rent is very frustrating.

Visit to list your home for sale by owner at no charge!

By Real Estate Club of America June 10, 2019 Off

Confidence Thrives on Honesty

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Without them it cannot live.”
Honesty has to be a heart of who we are and of our interactions with others. We have to be honest with ourselves. And we must be honest with other people. Being honest with ourselves can sometimes be the more difficult of the two, but this can help our conscious remain clear, allow us to sleep at night, and live with true ethics.
Notice this quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt embodies tenets of living with what I call the Warrior’s Edge.

Faithful protection is a notion that people who embody the spirit of living as a warrior understand completely. Those of us who served or serve in the military understand protecting our country, law enforcement understand protecting others, and all women and men who live with a warrior type personal code understand the importance of protecting not only themselves, but others also, especially family.

There’s a lot to that simple quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Perhaps it’s not so easy after all. I hope these ideas help you think about what’s really important and recognize that what counts.
And finally, the thought of unselfish performance. The word Samurai noted one who served. The value of serving other unselfishly and performing our best in that service enables us to be confident in our actions since they go beyond our own interests.
Honor has been a tenet of the warrior class for centuries, but it has to be true honor, which I’ve posted about before, not misguided notions of honour.

— Franklin D. Roosevelt
The post Confidence Thrives on Honesty appeared on .
The sacredness of obligations can be stated simply as do everything you say you will. If you are not going to do it, don’t say it. If you say it, you should mean it and do everything you can to ensure you accomplish what you say you will. It means doing the job your company pays you to do, and paying your workers fairly for the work they do for you.

By Real Estate Club of America June 10, 2019 Off

The Black and White Pebbles

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

He then asked the girl to pick a pebble from the bag.
The were standing on a pebble strewn path in the farmer’s area. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them to the bag.

  1. If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father’s debt could be forgiven.
  2. If she picked the white pebble, she shouldn’t marry him and her father’s debt would still be forgiven.
  3. However, if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.

The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.

What would you recommend that the woman to do?
Careful analysis would produce three possibilities:

The woman ’s dilemma can’t be solved with traditional logical thinking. Consider the consequences if she chooses the aforementioned logical answers.

Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had picked the white one. And because the moneylender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an extremely advantageous one.

This is an old story, and I’m not certain where it originated. I found an old email where a buddy, no longer with us, delivered it to me. I’m not certain where he got it, but since I really enjoy the story and the message it teaches, I need to share it with you here.

The post The White and Black Pebbles appeared first on .
MORAL OF THE STORY: Most complicated problems do have a solution. It’s only that we don’t make an effort to think.
“Oh, how clumsy of me,” she said. “But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one which is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked. ”

  1. The girl should refuse to take a pebble.

Have some time to ponder over the story. The above story is used with the hope it will make us appreciate the difference between lateral and logical thinking.

Many years ago, in a little village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer’s beautiful daughter. So he proposed a bargain.

So the cunning moneylender suggested that they let providence decide the matter. He told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty money bag. Then the girl would need to pick on pebble from the bag.

Now, imagine that you were standing in the area. What would you have done if you were the woman? In the event that you had to advise her, what would you have told her?
He said he would forgo the farmer’s debt if he could marry his daughter. The farmer and his daughter were horrified by the proposal.

By Real Estate Club of America June 10, 2019 Off

Roommate Evictions – Harsh

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

Periodically I hear from someone that has a problem with a non Landlord & Tenant Board flooding, or an eviction where the Residential Tenancies Act does not apply.
As onerous as the Landlord & Tenant Board is, the procedure is well defined and ends up with the government kicking out the renter. In other evictions, nobody will help you and it is actually difficult in some instances to kick out the person.

Sometimes the Police might have to attend to keep the peace. Police don’t like it either and will often tell folks to visit the Landlord & Tenant Board. The reality is, evictions are tough and not pleasurable. In non RTA situations there is not any requirement for notice or anything. You can change the locksthrow everybody ’s clothes on the road, there are simply no rules.

Of course if the individual agrees, and you can get together, it’s easy. But if the person resists and wants to remain, the situation can get ugly.
As a practical matter, usually the individual throwing the other person out will give them some notice, like 7 days so that they can prepare and physically move themselves without a lot of conflict.

Most people find it very difficult to actually follow through and kick someone out. It’s just hard. Having said that there’s absolutely no choice.

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By Real Estate Club of America June 9, 2019 Off

Property Management and Investment Properties

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

There have been a lot of changes in my career and the investment property business since 2004 when I returned to Kansas City.  I arrived in boom. And now we’re (at the end?) in another boom.
Yes, I predict those times 2006-2008 in Kansas City.  The bust began in KC when the banks stopped lending in September 2008.  Needless to say, the coasts experienced the shift much sooner. Still, this is time is a little different;

  • Red hot seller’s marketplace
  • Low/Reasonable interest rates
  • 100% loans for anyone using a 620 credit score or above
  • Investor loans with 90, 95 as well as 100% LTV
  • Investor loans that include rehab money

Look, I believe wholeheartedly in property investing.  Owning income property is a great way to hedge inflation while earning from the 4 Benefits of Real Estate Investing. Timing can matter.  If you’re planning on buying and renting property for the next three to four years I’d be super careful.  If you’re planning on owning rental homes for another seven years or more, I’kindly say green light.  After all, time is your friend when you own real estate.

Wow.  I just realized I’ve now been working with investment properties in Kansas City for fifteen years now and before that two years in Tulsa.  In addition, I have been employed as a property manager in Kansas City since 2006. 
Or even a slow down in the Midwest?  Does that mean that the buy, rehab and hold is still a excellent strategy…that keeps getting better?  (Note that link is from 2011…can’t get those yields or prices now.)  Does any of that really matter and the economy will still change here in the middle of the country?
Rental property homes are at a premium at this time. West coast (and East) are flooding in to KC driving prices higher and higher and yields lower and lower.  I’ve seen this before;

  • While both time had/have limited seller stock, this time there is real limited inventory…we just don’t have sufficient housing units
  • The new-builds occurring are WAY ABOVE what most first time home buyers can afford

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By Real Estate Club of America June 9, 2019 Off

Focus – A Lesson from The Karate Kid 2

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

You can improve your level of effectiveness by learning how to maintain focus. To attain your goals and objectives, you must stay focused on what needs to be done. This is a critical key to successfully accomplishing those things you’ve determined important to you. Just like Danial breaking the six ice blocks, focus will allow you to achieve your goals, both in and out of your training hall. That is why I teach that the benefits from martial arts training go way beyond the physical elements of striking, kicking, throwing, and bending. Learning how to defend themselves is a goal of many beginning martial art students, but they then learn that there’s much more.

There are a number of examples in business and sports where a person was better than average in multiple avenues. However, it was not until they picked one that they became exceptional. No one can be the best at everything. It’s only with focus, intensity in one place, that greatness peaks at the maximum level.
When Daniel asked Mr. Miyagi what he was supposed to perform in Karate Kid 2, when confronted with breaking six cubes of ice, Mr. Miyagi replied, “Focus. ” It was an important lesson from the film, and it’s an important concept not only in your martial art training, but in most things you do in life.

Focus is the practice of keeping your ideas, focus, and energy entirely on the job at hand. Learning to maintain focus will allow you to achieve the most in the least amount of time. When you are focused, it has the exact same impact as a laser. With focus, you create a strong laserlike ability to accomplish things. When you become unfocused, you lose your power. When you concentrate your energy and time doing the important things, you’ll reap big rewards.

The post Focus – A Lesson in The Karate Kid 2 appeared first on .
The capability to concentrate empowers people to do amazing things. By way of example, the sun is a powerful energy source, while a laser is a weak energy source. With just a little sun screen, most people can bathe in sunlight for hours. Most lasers require a few watts of energy and focus them in a coherent flow of light, but the laser, with this focus, can drill a hole through a bead or wipe out a cancer.
Focus on those activities you do brilliantly and benefits will follow. It comes down to prioritizing. You must spend your time doing what you are best at and moves you toward your goals.
In life, you get what you focus on. This rule applies to just about anything you can consider. Focus can allow you to get a new job, build your business, win an athletic competition, and build more wealth. If this is something you want, you must focus on that objective so as to succeed and get it. Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret is one of the greatest selling inspirational records of all time. Nightingale’s recordings are still sold world-wide and the company he founded with Lloyd Conant, Nightingale-Conant leads the industry generating audio success programs. Nightingale’s timeless secret is this, “You become what you think about most of the time. ” This simple principle, or secret since Nightingale called it, is nothing more than focus.

By Real Estate Club of America June 9, 2019 Off

I didn't know Vertigo might be closing down. This is upsetting news. The back catalogue of Vertigo books got me into reading comics when I was looking for books outside of the superhero genre.

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Hopefully it’s just rumor, though many people believe it’s time to put it to pasture.

I’d like to see it be bold again.

By Real Estate Club of America June 9, 2019 Off

How to Secure Your Home Without an Alarm

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Smart Technology: Ring Doorbell

Situational Awareness Is Key

You also need to remove any hiding places, such as large shrubs, that can offer a burglar with pay to work unobserved from the road. Keep exterior lights after dark; fixtures with solar sensors on them make life simpler.

Option No. 1: Dogs

Always report any suspicious people. I can’t tell you how many people I have talked to throughout the years who didn’t call the police when they should have. They frequently said something like “I didn’t want to get anyone into trouble” or”Gee, I didn’t think anything of it” (“it” being the guy they saw prowling around a neighbor’s house). Let the police decide if the situation warrants a reply and if anybody deserves to be in trouble.
Until last year, my home was secured by three large, assertive dogs — our”K9 alarm system.” With them around, we knew when anyone was approaching our house, and anyone approaching our house certainly knew we had dogs. (Not one of my dogs ever attempted to bite anyone. They simply looked like they would be troublesome if someone wanted to cause harm to their loved ones.) A dog could be my recommendation instead security system.
After the last dog passed, my wife and I agreed we didn’t want the responsibility for some time. So we relied on the burglar alarm warning sign which came with the already-installed but later disabled system in our dwelling. I’ve not received a valid burglary report for a home that had alarm warning signs posted out.
Signals of Security allows people who don’t need an alarm system to dictate custom-made, owner-designed, home-security system signs. The combinations of signal design and layout are almost limitless, and they give the impression that the home has a working burglar alarm.

Basic Security: Securing Doors and Windows

Who’s to Say?

A fundamental security measure is to secure your windows and doors . Deadbolts on exterior doors are a must! In most locales, burglar bars are an unnecessary and extreme measure. Should you add burglar bars, be sure that they can be readily released from the inside. If you belong to a homeowner association, make sure they are permissible.

A majority of U.S. homeowners most likely don’t have an alarm system. People have many reasons for not installing a security system: the unwanted cost, thinking they’re too complex, no perceived need or the residence is secured by other means. A house should be secured in some manner, so let’s discuss those other ways.
If you put these suggestions into practice, word will get round the offender community that chances of success at your home are minimal.
The article How to Secure Your Home Without an Alarm appeared first on USCCA.
Recommendation No. 3 is to receive a Ring doorbell/motion-detector system. The basic system is $99.99. It permits you to view, in your smartphone and. Additionally, it lets you talk to whoever is out there without even opening the door. Plus it can link you.

By Real Estate Club of America June 9, 2019 Off