Safety in the City – 5 safety tips for when you are out partying

July 11, 2019 Off By Real Estate Club of America

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

It’s the weekend.

You and your girlfriends have decided that it is time to go out and have a couple drinks and hit the dance floor wearing your super cute new dress and stunning new, impractical heels (sometimes it’s all about fashion before function!) . What are some things you can do to maximize your safety and reduce risks when you’re out and about the downtown core? 

Look hot AT the club, not while you’re getting there

1. Dress appropriately while in transit – If you wanna dress up in super tight clothes, wear barely-there miniskirts and tops that dip to your navel, I say do whatever floats your boat; however, you want to be prepared for the fact you will attract undesirable attention together with the welcomed attention. This may be anyone from your taxi driver, to creepy guys on the streetcar, or weirdos that you pass on the road as you’re walking to the club/bar. I strongly recommend that you cover up (wear a hoodie) on your way to your destination. Risk- reduction is a huge part of self-defense, and unwanted attention carries some very real dangers to your security. Now, some women say,”I should have the ability to dress any way I want!” You should be able to, and indeed you can, though you want to be aware that this also makes you a target for guys who will use your way of dress as an excuse to victimize you. Let me really clear about something though: regardless of what you are wearing, no one has the right to touch you. If you are ever attacked and you have friends who say,”well, you shouldn’t have been wearing such suggestive clothing”, that’s victim-blaming, sister. Push that thought right outta your mind and report what occurred immediately to the police (and more importantly, do not let an officer or friends make you feel that being assaulted was your fault or could have been prevented. If the first officer you speak to says that, ask to take care of a different officer). 

2. Drinks – Date rape is a real and frightening thing. I, unfortunately, have had a few friends experience this terrible reality, and would like to give you a few tips to avoid this at all costs. There’s the obvious things to do: do not accept drinks from strangers, go out with friends, etc.. But let’s go a step beyond that:

  • THIS IS A LOT MORE COMMON THAN YOU THINK IT IS. These drugs are easily available and widely available. Do not think,”oh he looks so sterile cut/he would never hurt me/he’s so well-off, he doesn’t seem like the kind.” Predators are manipulative chameleons who will do their best to make you believe that they’re charming, nice, trustworthy, and most importantly, that they would never seem like the type to hurt you. We need to get over this type of thinking, ladies.  
  • If someone is going to buy you a drink, walk into the bar together and watch the bartender pour it and make sure the bartender hands it directly to you.
  • After you have your drink, walk around the bar with your hand over the surface of the cup. You’d be surprised how easily a predator can slip something into your drink without you noticing. Don’t forget, these guys literally watch and wait for the split second that you’re not paying attention. I’ve seen people also set napkins over their drinks for the identical purpose (which is even better).
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended, even for an instant. If you have to go to the bathroom, have a sober girlfriend HOLD (not watch) your drink. If you set your cup down and forget about it, only to remember about it afterwards, forget it and just get a new drink. Not worth the risk. 
  • Alcohol affects women differently than men because women also produce less alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that metabolizes alcohol, than men. To put it differently, if a man and woman with the same weight drink the same amount of alcohol, the woman’s blood alcohol content will be higher. 
  • Around the time of your menstrual cycle, you might get drunk more quickly. 
  • Women’s bodies process alcohol more slowly than men’s, therefore the effects take longer to burn off.
  • Eat before you venture outside, space out your own drinks, and try to drink water as often as possible
  • Don’t ever drink from an open punch bowl at a home party. The risk is simply too high.  Buddy System – You definitely don’t need to be glued to the hip all night, but keep an eye on each other, and be sure that everyone gets to and from the party/club/bar safely. If you’re going to the toilet or to check out another room in a club, tell your friends before you go. No one likes to play the babysitter to this one obscenely drunk friend, but it is a small price to pay to make sure someone you care about gets home safely (besides, they will undoubtedly return the favour for you at some stage ). 

Your friend may not always be at risk in terms of date-rape drugs though. Think about these tips to help steer a drunk friend from danger (maybe she’s mouthing off to another drunk woman and you find a fight brewing):

DIVERT your buddy’s attention away from ongoing consumption of alcohol:
a) Change place:”Let’s go some place else for some time”
b) Change activity:”Let’s go sit in the couch for a bit” 
c) Change drink:”Let’s catch some water, eh?” Where did you get them?

DIFFUSE an explosive situation by distancing your buddy from the place:
a)”Let us go outside and grab some air” 
b)”Let us go to _____’s flat to wind down”
c) Let us go there (i.e. across the area ) and see who we could find” 

DEESCALATE strong emotions by introducing friends into the situation:
a) Get help. “Jenn, Claudia – I need your help over here.” 
B) Make direct eye contact with your friend and always speak in a calm way. This helps to transfer your very own calm feelings to your buddy. 

4. Obtaining home – Avoid going home on your own, if possible, particularly when you are really drunk. Being really drunk means that your judgment isn’t only impaired, but it also makes you especially vulnerable to predators (including your taxi driver). Additionally, plan out your route home before you begin to drink so that you know exactly where you’re going and how long it should take. Make sure that either the taxi driver or the friend who is dropping you at home at the end of the night sees you safely into your home from the car. 

5. Know a few phone numbers by heart – always good to know your bestie’s phone number off by heart if your phone is stolen/you lose it and you get into some trouble. If your best firend is not the most reliable woman, have a few strong people’s numbers memorized who you can rely on at any time of day. Naturally, always keep before you go out, your mobile charged. 

Above all, be sensible and have fun (in that order).