274: What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow by Frank Gallinelli, Real Data

May 10, 2019 Off By Real Estate Club of America

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link: http://aipis.hartmannetwork.libsynpro.com/274-what-every-real-estate-investor-needs-to-know-about-cash-flow-by-frank-gallinelli-real-data

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

[8:02] What is discounted cash flow?
[1:53] What are the core metrics that property investors should be looking at?
[12:26] A way to view Return on Equity

[21:44] Education is absolutely vital to being a good investor

Jason Hartman talks today with Frank Gallinelli, founder and President of Real Data and author of the book What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow & 36 Other Key Financial Measures, about what metrics Frank finds the most important for single family home investors to focus on. They also discuss the”holy grail” metric that investors should use and when you really SHOULDN’T invest in real estate.
Key Takeaways:

[15:59] Can there be a time where it doesn’t make sense to get properties?

[6:39] You should try and predict case, worst case, and case to your properties

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