5 Tips to Hosting a Successful Rummage Sale

5 Tips to Hosting a Successful Rummage Sale

May 11, 2019 Off By Real Estate Club of America

Rummage Sale season is almost upon us!  Time to clean out our houses and make a few bucks doing it. But don’t simply rely on the old adage “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” No, you’re going to have to ensure the success of your sale! Follow the easy steps below to successfully clear out your clutter and make a few dollars.

1.) Plan Ahead.  Schedule your Rummage Sale for a weekend.  Avoid having it on a holiday or special event, when most people already have things going on. Check with neighbors, friends or relatives to see if they’d like to join you for a block or gamily rummage sale.

2.)  Best-Sellers. Items like furniture, books, toys, dishes, appliances, utensils and clothes sell the best.

3.) Offer a Good Deal.  We all know that most rummage sale shoppers are searching for a DEAL. So be realistic when pricing and be prepared to reduce the price on some items.  Offer generous discounts on broken, chipped or stained items.

4.) Display The Goods.  Provide an electrical outlet for shoppers to try out the appliances.  Display odds and ends together and mark them all 25 cents.  Set up a free box to get people interested.

5.) Sell What You’ve Got.  Set up display signs to attract buyers to your best items.

Hope these 5 tips improve the success of your sale – we wish you luck!

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