Author: Real Estate Club of America

Do I Need A Solicitor To Sell A House?

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

Paradoxically, this is the predictable continuation from my most previous blog post – which, you guessed it – took a peek into whether you will need a solicitor to obtain a house. The natural next…

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By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off

Turning $100K into $1 million in Real Estate

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

How can you develop your real estate investments 10X? Through quality training, expertise and understanding the rules of real estate investing.

Visit to list your home for sale by owner at no charge!

By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off

Hyper-Advocates and Two Types of Problem Solving Methodologies

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

There are many ways in which people try to solve problems in their lives and on earth. But, there are two widely used methods that take opposite approaches. The method used is usually a function of the person’s Locus of Control. He has the ability. He uses the shift within himself to address his problem(s). Concerning personal safety, training and self-defense instruction is an instance of Internal Locus Problem Solving. The solution comes from within. This system is also referred to as Bottom Up problem solving.

External Locus Problem Solving (ELPS) — Someone with an External Locus of Control sees the solution to the problem stemming from the activities of others. They see the problem on a global scale. The issue stems from the environment. Therefore, to solving the problem, the solution comes from changing the environment. In terms of personal safety, self-defense is not the solution. Reducing behavior is the solution. This method is also referred to as Top Down problem solving.

Theoretically, these two methods should be complimentary. They should work together solving the problem from both ends. Unfortunately, in the real world of ideology and advocates, many occasions proponents of these methodologies spend an enormous amount of time and resources disparaging the other methodology as being unsuccessful.

The simple thought process behind ILPS, is that societal problems can be solved with the amount of the unique actions of individuals. Social change occurs when a critical mass of individual behaviors change society, think about drops in a bucket, a ripple in a pond, the butterfly’s wings, etc..

Depending upon the technical problem at hand, this method may or may not be effective. But, since the actions begin with the individual, there is less of chance for unintended scale side-effects. The goal is to begin by changing society. The thought process behind ELPS is that other individuals usually in the form of government or social institutions, need to become involved (come to the rescue). They have the capacity to effect change. So as to get these entities involved, the issue must be regarded as wide scale, and to be as threatening as possible. The first step of ELPS isn’t accurately identifying and describing the issue, it’s to make the problem appear as big as possible in order to get attention.

It is here that hyper-advocates using ELPS become part of the problem they want to solve. Hyper-Advocates are unwilling to specify the limitations (extent) of the issue. They promote the issue as being everywhere and it occurs all the time. They use terms such as”guys do so” or”girls do that” with the implication being that ALL men to this, all of the time or ALL girls to that, ALL the time.

What the Hyper-Advocates don’t know is that if ALL people do something, then it’s ingrained human nature that is very unlikely to change. It is when SOME people do something and others don’t do it, that there’s hope to change behaviors.

To be able to draw out attention, Hyper-Advocates do not need to promote an accurate description of the problem. They would like to promote an inflated view of the problem. They don’t want studies that are accurate. They want inflated studies.

An effective method to inflate studies is to co-mingle different data while making it look as through the information is similar. By way of example,”last year in City X of 50,000 people, there were 1,000 murders and assaults“. That appears to be a dangerous town. In this case, the city does not have a killing problem, it has a spitting problem. If you really need to solve a problem, you will need to know precisely what the problem is, and WHO IS effected by the problem, and who’s NOT effected. The more accurate the information, the better. Accuracy provides. That is what epidemiologistsdo.

For instance, stating that Town X has a”Spit Culture” and indicating that everybody in Town X is a Spitter will not help solve the issue if the vast majority of spitting assaults came from a few people that were serial spitters, AND that many of the victims of these assaults had certain elements in common, AND that the conditions of spitting assaults also had certain elements in common.

Assume the Vast Majority of Town X consists of Non-Spitters. Town X doesn’t have a Spit Culture. It’s a culture where the majority Non-Spitters do not know how to handle and control the behaviors of the minority Spitters. Along with the Hyper-Advocates keep clouding the issue by asserting that Town X includes a”Murder and Spit Culture” in the hopes that a government entity will pay attention and come to the rescue of the town.
In addition, whenever someone tries to correctly assess the factors involved in the spitting problem, including examining factors specific to the victim and their behavior, the Hyper-Advocates squash this research as”Victim Blaming” and label the person as a Murder and Spit Denier. These Hyper-Advocates have a very strong External Locust of Control. They basically believe that other people’s actions and behaviours are the source of the problems. Thus, the only solution is for others, not them, to alter.

As a result of the activities of the Hyper-Advocates, nobody really knows what is going on. There’s absolutely no accurate comprehension of why the Serial Spitters spit and why the Non-Spitters do not. But there are plenty of ideologically driven theories. There is minimal comprehension as to why certain people seem to get assaulted why others don’t. With little understanding and accurate data, problem solving methods are doomed to fail.   The Hyper-Advocates in their endeavor to demonstrate the problem is happening everywhere, focus their attentions of Town Y and Town Z, labeling them also Murder and Spit Cultures.

While my example may involve some satire, the Internet has provided those who wish to solve social problems with a means to band together and a delivery system for their methods. Those that unite ILPS with ELPS have the best ability to solve society’s problems. On the other hand, the Hyper-Advocates of ELPS are a huge part of the problem they claim to want to solve.

By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off

Las Vegas Real Estate Market 2019: 5 Places to Invest

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

Las Vegas Real Estate Market 2019: 5 Places to InvestSome neighborhoods in the Las Vegas real estate marketplace naturally perform better for rental properties than others. If You Wish to have a better chance of finding a Las…

Visit to list your home for sale by owner at no charge!

By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off

Combat Machete Story: Soldier Uses Knife Fighting/Hand To Hand Blade Skills To Fight Taliban Terrorists

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Combat Training.
For mepersonally, my survival weapons strategy includes my machete.

These were the words going through Corporal Gurung’s head as he lay there on the ground of his observation post – struck in the head by an AK-47 bullet and disoriented from the grenade that just exploded mere feet from his place.
“It felt like I had been hit by something like a big hammer on my helmet. There was so much pain in my head and throat,” Corporal Gurung said.
… and an armed Taliban fighter had just climbed over his article ’s wall to “finish the job” of sending Gurung into his Maker.

He understood that the lives of his friends depended upon his ability to spot potential enemy patrols, and in the pre-dawn hours, he spotted two figures through his night-vision goggles, quickly heading toward the primary gate.
Caught off-guard by the sudden ambush, Gurung was struck in his helmet with a bullet from among the Taliban fighter’s AK-47 and dropped to the floor.

The lifestyles of 120 of Cpl. Gurung’s commrades were relying on him to hold the line…

By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off

So the most ideal reaction to this weird policing Puritanism art moment is for someone to make the next Irreversible or Taxi Driver. Do you think someone has done that yet or are we still waiting?

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

I waiting. The levy is about to break.

By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off

The Perfect Cover Garment for Concealed Carry?

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Weather permitting, I vote the Hawaiian shirt as the perfect cover garment for the concealed carry lifestyle. You may argue with this (based on your style sense), but there is no arguing with the fact that a loose-fitting shirt with plenty of room to breathe can really help you hide a firearm carried in your waist. Such shirts reduce printing — which telltale bulge under the shirt that gives away the fact that you’re carrying a gun — and also provide for rapid access to the firearm. The shirts are built for comfort, are easy permit you to mix in to wear and, at most outdoor activities in the summer. They are, in fact, urban camouflage. And just check out how many guns I have hidden in this beauty of a shirt.
I find of my Hawaiian shirts. It seems wives all around the country tend to just toss these beauties in the”donation” pile. Lucky for those of us, although unlucky for those guys carry world. Another aftermarket bargain.

About Kevin Michalowski

The post The Excellent Cover Garment for Concealed Carry? Appeared initially on USCCA.
He’s attended training as both student and instructor in multiple areas, such as pistol, rifle, shotgun, empty-hand defense and response to the active shooter. Kevin is also a fully certified part-time law enforcement officer in rural Wisconsin.

By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off

Othering – The Root of Human Evil

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

What is the Origin of all human evil?

Many claim it’s money. But I think it is something different. A contagious behaviour so jarring that effects all human beings to several degrees regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, faith, presence of disability or lack thereof, social class, education level, political affiliation, and much more. This behavior can be seen in the highest levels of education and the lowest levels of ignorance. It’s exhibited by social justice advocates and the”Oppressors” alike. It happens in society’s elite in addition to the downtrodden.

This behaviour is infectious. It spreads from one person to another like a virus. Many times this behavior is blatantly obvious. Other times it’s hidden in intellectual discussions and writings of educated advocates of worthwhile causes.

This behaviour is responsible for incalculable human suffering. In its most powerful form, it has led to the deaths of millions and individual acts of unspeakable cruelty. In its milder form it crops up all over the internet in blogs, articles, memes, and commentary. Most those who exhibit and spread the behavior are unaware of it and the effect it has on them. They don’t see how this behaviour feeds on itself. They don’t know that if you put out a little, you get a lot back in return.

This behaviour is”Othering“. Othering is emotionally classifying”others” of some group to be fundamentally different than yourself. Othering denies the simple humanity of the”Othered”. Othering combines prejudice, bias, objectivism, and more into a toxic mental process and supersedes rational thinking and balanced judgment.

But the true danger of Othering comes out of its appeal. It has the capability to make those who use it feel be good. It justifies their beliefs. It creates camaraderie. Othering bypasses the”thinking brain” and speaks straight to the emotional brain, thus it makes it much easier to get your opinion across to vulnerable listeners. Othering allows you to skip the need to utilize time consuming precision, facts, and logical statements.

Your supporters subsequently, spread your Othering message. People who have opposite opinions, react emotionally to the Othering. Many of them will have their thinking brains become dormant as they formulate their own Othering established response. Othering creates a backlash. No matter how worthy the cause, the use of Othering provides short term satisfaction and long term harm to both your cause and humankind.

Othering can be hard to spot. But once you recognize the idea, you will begin to see it in many places and forms. Overt prejudice is easy to identify as Othering. It’s the Othering that is concealed in the writings of the”educated” that requires a little practice to recognize. The easiest method to find Othering requires the Word Replacement Test. For instance, start with using two classes in history that have been historically Othered, Blacks and Jews.

Start the Word Replacement Test

“Not all men beat their spouses, but people who beat their partners are mostly men.”

Now, replace guys with Jews.

“Not all Jews beat their partners, but people who beat their partners are largely Jews.”

Next, replace men with Blacks

“Not all Blacks beat their spouses, but people who beat their spouses are mostly Black.”

End Evaluation

it’s easy to see that the above two word replaced sentences employ prejudice. Therefore, the first sentence is that the Othering of men. Paradoxically, it came from a blog post protesting sex based sexism.

But wait you say, the individuals who beat their partners ARE men, everybody knows that. Thus, it can’t be Othering if it’s true. Before deciding if the”science is settled” on that matter, please refer to these links:

More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report shows

Or this book:

Woman-to-Woman Sexual Violence: Does She Call It Rape?

What we actually know is that the many “Humans beat their spouses.” This sentence doesn’t involve Othering and opens the door to trying to ascertain why humans engage in this undesirable behavior.

On the other hand, “Not many guys beat their partners, but people who beat their partners are mostly guys.” , this statement is designed to Other men. It’s not meant to open the door to additional  intellectual discussion on the topic.  In actuality, it’s meant to silence it or create an emotional reaction. Understanding why some women beat their partners would provide more information as to why some men beat their partners because women and men are both human beings with more similarities than differences. Othering is intended to limit information and promote emotion.

The technique to combat the evil of Othering in all its forms is to first be able to identify it. Next, it has to be treated as both contagious and a contamination. That requires quarantining the bit and taking away the voice of those that Other from dispersing the behavior.  As soon as you spot Othering in a post, writing, post, or address, the chances are that Othering has inflected the whole piece. Othering is like a cockroach, if you see one, you know that there are many more hidden in the shadows.

The antidote to Othering is to comprehend the fundamental human nature of all people. Those that Other shouldn’t be Othered either. Most of them, truly believe they’re helping their cause. They see themselves as passionate promoters and activists.

In my opinion, Othering is the origin of human evil. Due to the harm Othering has generated throughout history, the use of widespread Othering is not justified no matter how righteous the cause. Those that intentionally Other are short sighted and damaging to humanity at large.

By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off

Is EMPIRE Rain & Senses In Oakville A Good Investment?

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

With this type of dramatic increase in worth, people are naturally going to gravitate towards lower priced real estate, such as new building condos.

Most the people whom I talk to are interested in investing in Toronto property .

Here is some important information on “Rain & Senses” as well as some of my personal opinions on this new condominium project:

I always get asked by people what sort of real estate they need to be investing in.


EMPIRE is really going over and beyond what other builders offer as their builder incentives, and they are clearly trying to provide something of VALUE to their potential purchasers.

Move quickly though because the housing market in The Greater Toronto Area is insane.

This Remarkable Free $10,000 Furniture Package Offer will come to an end shortly.   It is only for a limited time.

“Detached houses in The City of Oakville went up in value 38.4% year over year from November 2015 to November 2016.

I enjoy this new condo project for a few reasons:
So if you have some interest in purchasing a unit in this condo project, and if you would like to get this Remarkable Builder Incentive, you need to act fast.   You can email me directly at to learn what the next steps are if you would like to purchase a unit.
Sometimes builders offer special DISCOUNTS off of the purchase price or what they call,  “builder INCENTIVES”.   These discounts and incentives are made available through VIP Realtors (like myself).

1 gentleman I was talking to last week was a first time condo buyer in Toronto Canada.

The Bad News…

Some people that I speak to are seasoned with real estate, but others don’t have too much experience.

  • SUITES AVAILABLE: 1 Bed, 1 Bed + Den, 2Bed, 2 Bed + Den
  • SQUARE FOOTAGE (RANGE) OF AVAILABLE UNITS: 543 square feet to 1250 square feet
  • PRICE (RANGE) OF AVAILABLE UNITS: $329,990 to $739,990
  • EXPOSURES AVAILABLE: North, North/East, East, South/East, South West, West
  • PARKING: One parking space is included in the purchase price (additional parking available for purchase at $30,000 + HST)   (What is HST? )
  • LOCKER: $4,000 + HST
  • CEILING HEIGHT: 9′ Ceilings
  • MAINTENANCE INCLUDES: Gas, Common Element Expenses & Building Insurance (Hydro and Water is separately metered)
  • OCCUPANCY DATE: June 21st 2017 (Initial Tentative Occupancy Date)
  • DEPOSIT STRUCTURE: 1st Deposit (with Agreement) is $5,000, 2nd Deposit (30 Days From 1st Deposit) is the Balance to 5%, 3rd Deposit (Due On Occupancy) is 5%.   For a deposit of 10%.


As such, the town has not approved many high rise buildings to be built in The Town itself.   Therefore, there is in my view limited inventory in Oakville when it comes to high rise condo buildings versus some of the neighbouring towns and cities near Oakville.

In my opinion, the FREE $10,000 Furniture Package which EMPIRE is offering is a very good builder incentive.
You will need to move quickly if you would like to purchase a unit in this EMPIRE community AND if you want to receive their FREE $10,000 Furniture Package.

I hope you’re doing well.

Hi There,

Sometimes builders Attempt to eliminate offering potential buyers with cheap and not too significant incentives.   This is not the case with EMPIRE.   I am impressed with this Incentive that they are providing, and I believe more builders should provide great incentives like EMPIRE is demonstrating here.
The date in which EMPIRE will no more be honouring this deal is March 12th 2017.

Some state that EMPIRE is the second largest builder in Ontario, Canada by the amount of units sold.
EMPIRE is a superb builder, and people want to own property built by excellent builders. Not to mention Oakville.   Oakville is a desirable City to Invest in…
A)  There are limited high rise condo buildings in Oakville.  

“Oakville is a suburban town in Southern Ontario, Canada. Situated in Halton Region, on Lake Ontario, it is part of the Greater Toronto Area. As this 2016 census the population was 193,832 of. ”
Rain & Senses is SOLD OUT.

B) EMPIRE Is Offering a FREEE $10,000 Furniture Package with the purchase of any suite.
Here is Wikipedia’s definition of Oakvillle:

The common thread with these folks is that they are interested in buying a condominium in Toronto Canada, or perhaps a house in The Greater Toronto Area which they would live in or rent out to tenants.

If you’re familiar with the Greater Toronto Area, you understand that Oakville is an ‘upscale’ Town located approximately 20 minutes by car west of Toronto.

The Good News…
In My Opinion…

And and as we know already, where there’s limited supply, and when there is demand for that limited supply, this is what pushes real estate prices up.

Today I’d like to talk to you about:

To get this amazing $10,000 Furniture Package, and to book a suite to buy, email me today at

“Rain & Senses” is a pre-construction condo being built by EMPIRE, located in The Town of Oakville.

Happy Investing!

Visit to list your home for sale by owner at no charge!

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off

Most Versatile Optic for the AR-15

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

With the booming popularity of this AR-15 in the previous 15, or so, years, we also have seen a surge of innovation in the optics market. Starting with the Aimpoint M68 CCO red dot, we found that an optic could quickly be a combat multiplier in providing the shooter not just fast acquisition of a goal but also the ability to place well aimed shoots up to 300 yards away. As technology advanced, more optics became desirable because of their ability to provide more features. Optics like the EOTech 512, and later the XPS-2, the Trijicon ACOG fixed 4 power optic, Main Arms 1-6x24mm variable scope with the ACSS reticle are just a couple of the advancements in sight technology.
There’s absolutely not any doubt that a red dot is an superb choice in an optic for your AR-15. The Trijicon MRO or Aimpoint Micro T-2 are excellent options. They have the capability to find and engage a target quickly. In low light situations, some red dots can be coupled with night vision goggles to raise your lethality. High end red dots have battery life that can sustain operation for 50,000 hours of continuing use. However, they do have limitations. Shooting targets at distance can be challenging without the use of an added magnifier. This will add more items to your rifle which translates to a heavier rifle. Moreover, if you have astigmatism, red dots can be difficult to use because the dot may be tough to see. Depending on the intensity of your astigmatism, a red dot may appear as a star burst or several dots in a line. This could eliminate this sight for a good deal of people.

Why LPVO are the Most Versatile?

Red dots, holographic sights, and fixed power optics are fine choicesnevertheless, the low power variable optics (LPVOs) have the most flexibility built into them. A fantastic example is the Primary Arms 1-6x24mm FFP ACSS scope. This really is a first focal plane sight which can be set on a magnification from 1 power up to 6 power for long range shots. The ACSS reticle is the pinnacle of innovation with optic technology by providing a reticle which enables the shooter the ability to be exact in planning but also provide ranging capabilities in addition to bullet drop compensation. It allows the shooter to shoot moving targets by using the built-in lead points. A first focal place LPVO mimics a red dot at 1 electricity since the ACSS reticle will decrease in size to seem to be a dot. In most higher end offerings, the reticle will be etched into the glass which will ensure durability when the optic gets knocked around.
The article Most Versatile Optic for the AR-15 appeared first on Off The Grid News.
Fixed power optics, such as the Trijicon ACOG, are another wonderful option for AR-15s. In the past 5 to 10 years, we’ve seen more military units start to use fixed power optics to allow extra lethality to the Soldiers or Marines. These sights allow a shooter to see a goal that allows for more precise round placement. Newer versions of the ACOG have fiberoptic illuminated reticle that assists in locating the reticle. Yet, with the increased magnification does hinder a predetermined power optic from being the most suitable choice for CQB. If you’re in an urban environment and has to maneuver in and/or around houses, apartments, or other types of buildings the ACOG may be too much optic for what you require.

Most Versatile Optic for the AR-15
He has served in 3 overseas tours that include Korea in 2002, Iraq in 2003 as a tank gunner and Afghanistan in 2010-11 as a logistics officer. He completed numerous schools in the Army to include Air Assault and Airborne. Currently, Mark is an Army spouse and enjoys running a YouTube station
About Mark Grimsley

Why a Red Dot May Not Be the Best?

The political climate has risen to a boiling point in the United States. It would seem that the possibility, while unlikely, of another civil war could erupt at any given moment. With that in mind, it is always better to be ready for any kind of civil unrest to defend yourself, your loved ones and your residence. However, when equipping your AR-15 with an optic which you would serve you best if you’re in a”bug in” situation that could last one or more weeks? What optic would best suit you at a close quarter combat (CQB) and an open environment situation? That is what we are going to explore.

As stated, red dots are a superb option; however, a holographic sight like the EOTech 512 or XPS-2 may be superior to the red dot. For the ones that are plagued with astigmatism, a holographic sight will not look distorted due to the use of a laser to create the reticle. A sight like an EOTech can sustain damage to the lens, or lose it entirely, and still project a reticle which makes it far stronger. Any damage to a red dot’s front lens could spell disaster for the shooter due to the design and technology needed to get a red dot to work. However, a holographic sight does have one disadvantage to the red dot and that’s battery life. A laser requires a lot more energy to operate than a LED light and battery life is usually relegated to approximately 1,000 hours of continuous operation. That could also be an issue for someone that doesn’t have access to replacement batteries.
All modern optics are likely to suit most people well on their AR-15. Yet, having the capability to utilize an optic like a red dot or increase the magnification to 6 power quickly makes the LPVO the best option. Every sight will have pros and cons; however, the LPVO pros outweigh the disadvantages. For a reality where you could be forced to protect your loved ones and property for prolong periods of time, the capability to have an illuminated sight, if desired, and also the flexibility to choose the magnification needed for the scenario that’s front of you makes it the optimal alternative for a”bug out or in” situation. Since the reticle isn’t dependent on being illuminated, batteries might not be a significant concern when put in a situation where they are not readily available. Regardless what optic your taste is, you may only be as deadly as your coaching allows. Pick a sight and train to safeguard your proficiency gives you the best opportunity to make it from any situation.

What Kinds of Optics Should I Consider?

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off