Author: Real Estate Club of America

When to Call the Cavalry

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

About Rick Sapp

There, he worked with the West German KRIPO (Criminal Police) in Czechoslovakian border stations during the Soviet invasion of 1968.
Imagine that you have been involved in an act of self-defense — a shooting. The fact that you, your family, your friends, your business partners and all of your fellow church and club members believe that the shooting was absolutely justified will not affect the judicial and political processes.

A painting called "Vive L'Empereur" painted in 1891 by Edouart Detaille. The image depicts the 4th Hussars cavalry in red uniform, fur hats and with curved sabers charging across a battlefield on horses.

Two decades back, when three teens armed with knives and brass knuckles broke into a house in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, the resident shot them dead with an AR-15. One of the grandfathers then whined that it wasn’t a”fair fight” and the teenagers did not”deserve to die.” The grandfather’s remarks made national news.
After four years with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, he turned to journalism and freelance writing, specializing in outdoor capabilities. His journalism experience includes magazines and newspapers. He’s authored over 50 books for a variety of publishers.
The article When to Call the Cavalry appeared on USCCA.
Not every PR company specializes in the type of support you need if America’s ethnic and cultural winds begin to persecute you. It is nice to shop around. And remember (before you dismiss the idea out-of-hand) that you will most likely have to reside in the community long after you’re eventually cleared.

Rick is married and lives in Florida.
The media and the public prosecutor’s office and any particular groups or affiliations the perp may have been associated with — and whether he or she’s alive or dead doesn’t matter — might not see things your way. In actuality, they may go to extremes that are idiotic to cover their own negligence and culpability in raising a punk.

A PR firm will cost money that you may not have in the bank, but if it does a good job, it can — in conjunction with your attorney — literally save your life. A PR team can help you craft and promote a message so that when your hands shake in front of a microphone, a representative can still deliver the talking points you, as a responsibly armed American, want to get out (beyond the essential”I was fearful for my life and I shot at self-defense”). Your PR company will understand the media system and permit you to present the general public with an accurate and balanced picture of who you are and what happened to you.

Protection Following a Self-Defense Incident

You may feel that you’re being assaulted as attorneys stand to guard the thug who attacked you. They will project an image of their client not as a low-life, drug-addled failure but as president of his or her Sunday school class and an”A” student who was interested in rocket science and loved her or his momma. Then, they will craft an image of you as a trigger-happy individual, a”loose cannon” with racial prejudices or perhaps just some miserable loner who hates people in general.

Your situation may quickly become far more complicated than you ever imagined. And however much you try to describe and demonstrate and diagram will materialize to make a frenzy.
Sometimes the simple truth is not enough and, at that stage, you (as a armed American) — in consultation with your attorney — may opt to hire a Public Relations firm. (“Vive L’Empereur” by Edouart Detaille — picture via public domain)

We believe we can take care of ourselves, speak for ourselves, handle our time and money. However, if a politically motivated prosecutor crawls to the slime and starts digging for star at your expense, you may have to ask your attorney about hiring a public relations firm. You’ll require a team of experts who can counter the sort of public smear campaign which sells papers and juices emotional callers to talk radio.

Ask a Lawyer for Help…

If you are smart, you’ll have legal defense through the USCCA or another organization. Those benefits include access to a lawyer who’s pro-2A and who understands concealed carry (and who may, in fact, also carry herself or himself ). Your attorney won’t be frightened when children draw pictures of cowboys with guns or shoot spitballs through straws (nowadays considered a”microaggression”).

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off

Temporary Othering – A Tool for Self-Defense

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

The latest mass killing in the US has created quite a stir of Othering.

It began with a socially outcast vengeful young man with pent-up frustration that blames others for his unhappiness. To many in the united states, he had been a”Nut Job”. To many people outside the US, he was another”American Nut Job”. To some pro-gun people, he was just a”Bad Guy with a Gun”. He had been a Misogynist. To other girls, he was another’Man’ doing what guys do.

Determined by which particular agenda you want to promote, the labeling of the killer as a’this’ or a’which’ is the beginning of a logical sounding, but essentially emotional thinking Othering based argument.

The killer used Othering to a large degree. Othering was the justification for his killing spree. They’d Othered him, so now he was going to flip them in return. And assuming the news stories are correct, Othering was the instrument that facillitated the killing of his three roommates. Apparently, he hit them on the back of the head with a hammer and then slit their throats.

Othering is an extremely effective tool for getting the work done. If your primary goal is to kill as efficiently as possible, there’s absolutely not any need for engaging your goal as a human being with confrontation, anger, and a frontal assault. Othering offers you the capacity to slaughter your own dehumanized target without the hindrance of conscience and ethical considerations.

Concerning self-defense, it’s important to realize that in the event you’ve been Othered, then it’s time to throw the principles of social conflict from the window. Most likely, your attacker isn’t going to provide you the warning signs of aggression and anger. He or she could lure you, deceive you, and attack you from behind with their weapon of choice.

As soon as you were Othered, your practiced strategy of logically or emotionally attractive to the other person’s humanity is no more valid. To him or her, you’re no longer human. Therefore, you do not qualify for the status of negotiation.

You now are faced with engaging in your own type of Othering — Temporary Othering for Self-Defense (TOSD). In its purest form, TOSD means that you dispatch your attacker with the exact same cold blooded efficiency and methods he would seek to use on you. You use deceit and overwhelming force to interrupt your attacker, foil his plan, and disengage to safety. Your Othering is restricted to the time required to get the work done. The time need for you to get away. Extended Othering is very likely to get you sent to jail when you go beyond what’s necessary. Othering provides power. It frees you from the bonds of the limitations of socialization and ethical issues. It allows you to perform actions that you would ordinarily never do, and therein lies its power. But rationalized Othering is something different. The California killer justified his Othering and rationalized. It allowed him to kill innocent young women he had never met for being women. And in return, it enables the Othering and labeling of the entire male gender as misogynists by people who attempt to exploit the dark power of Othering.

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off

282: Inflation & Trade War's Impact on Construction Costs

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

The two examine what impact the Trade War with China could have on the markets properties are available in. Where are we likely to see the effect if production from overseas come back to the United States?
9 Common Effects of Inflation on Investopedia

[28:00] the Trade War has ended, look at what job businesses Will be impacted most and adjust your investing strategy
[12:10] Cost-push versus inflation

[3:40] The 9 effects of inflation

Key Takeaways:
Jason Hartman and Adam analyze the Investopedia article referring to the 9 effects of inflation. The 2 types of inflation (cost-push and demand-pull) are also broken down in regards to how they impact your property value and rent.


[15:19] How cost-push inflation could be created by the Trade War at the linear markets we are investing in

[18:34] If China ever manages to create a middle course they are going to have to deal with a new set of issues, which might make them an inopportune producer
[23:21] When construction it can make it expensive to build a house and retain the workers was hit by labor shortages

[8:36] The property value is the one that’s susceptible to swings in value

Visit to list your home for sale by owner at no charge!

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off

Renamed & Re-branded!

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

To create value and sharing with our clients and readers, wve renamed and re-branded. Do visit our new website to check out our new personal mentorship programs and subscribe!

CREI ACADEMY GROUP is now Called A Bowl of Rice.

Visit to list your home for sale by owner at no charge!

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off

Renamed & Re-branded!

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

Wve re-branded and renamed to create value and sharing with our clients and readers. Do visit our new website to check out our new personal mentorship programs and subscribe!

CREI ACADEMY GROUP is now known as A Bowl of Rice.

Visit to list your home for sale by owner at no charge!

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off

Multifamily Apartment Marketing: The Power of HCCT

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

You are in the people business. By being in the public business, the capacity is required. Building relationships requires time. There’s absolutely not any replacement for time.

Visit to list your home for sale by owner at no charge!

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off

Multifamily Financing: A Real Page-turner

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers.

Mortgage banking has experienced a structural change. Consider this article a nudge to read the fine print of your property records that are related – unrelated to the size or type of the transaction.

Visit to list your home for sale by owner at no charge!

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off

What Is The Best Caliber For Self Defense Shooting?

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

What’s the Goal of Defensive Shooting?

Decide What’s Right for You

I prefer to discretely carry something that offers more rounds in the gun, in addition to an additional magazine. For me, navigating daily life, that means 380 or 9mm. While I admit there is greater”oomph” in the 40 and 45 loads, the former of which I carried for years and still do on occasion, it is my present and usual option to carry something which holds more ammunition and is immediately accessible in my waistband.

Handheld solar generator provides dependable backup power in times of need. 

A great strategy is to check out your ammo manufacturer’s website. Ballistic data can frequently be found on YouTube videos where some manufacturers have gone to the trouble to re-create FBI protocol gel block evaluations.
The post
What Is The Best Caliber For Self Defense Shooting? Appeared on Off The Grid News.
Performance of the smaller calibers such as 9mm and .380 ACP HP has come a long way in recent years. Loads considered inadequate for penetration of clothes and fat are better dialed-in for self defense shooting. Lots of shooters like 45 for the confidence-producing huge hole it makes.
When you’ve learned how your selected rounds perform concerning growth, penetration, compare that to your likely defense scenario.  Perhaps you reside in a region where people wear heavy layers of clothing most of the year. As a result, the .380 may not have sufficient penetration to be effective. Comfort will play a factor, as well. If you can fit your preferred 45 to a concealment rig, have at it. Many people can not make that work. Choose something you’re confident about in terms of performance, as well as something that is wearable.

What Matters More Than Caliber?

Lets talk mostly about the differences between two common choices for a self defense handgun. The 9mm Luger and 45, whether it be the ACP, Long Colt, or some other sub-category of 45.
Shot placement, followed by a sufficient number of rounds to deflate the assailant’s conclusion or physical capability, is far more important than caliber.
A handgun is a relatively weak weapon against a mammal such as the standard human being. Both had wounds that started on the side of the mind and, rather than penetrating, the bullet had followed the curve of the skull until it got across the side, behind the ear, and simply went on its way. Both people had nothing more than minor scalp wounds.

It is important to distinguish defensive ammo–including hollow point, jacketed hollow point, and newer versions (HP)–from target ammo, typically with full metal jacket (FMJ) bullets. FMJ is made to penetrate in as straight a line as its speed and mass will permit. HP is designed to expand in size, after impact with good tissue, and sometimes fragment into smaller projectiles. The wider the expansion, the more striking the fragmentation under ideal conditions. I’m referring to a center mass shot on a typical 12-14-inch thick critter, whether two-legged or four. Miss marginally, which round may sail through muscle and exit the other hand, not even slowing down the subject.

Bullet Choice

It could be said that HP is a responsible selection of ammunition for the self defense handgun when compared with FMJ. The HP expends its energy on the very first thing it meets. This bullet is less likely to sustain velocity and cause damage beyond the intended target.

Anyone who’s studied defensive shooting much knows that it is simply a round throughout the brainstem or upper spinal cord that guarantees an immediate stop. In all other cases, including an eventually round right through the center, the continuation of the attack depends on the conclusion of the attacker.

Few topics can light up a range-side or gun store discussion like handgun caliber. Most every long-time handgun owner feels strongly about one caliber or another being the best. When speaking of self defense use, the term”stopping power” almost always enters the discussion. This report looks at both professional opinion and traditional thinking to answer that question.

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To overcome a common myth from the start, self defense shooting doesn’t have killing as its purpose. The sole purpose of a lawful self defense shooting would be to stop the attack. Despite what movies and TV would lead us to believe, only one in six people who sustain gunshot wounds perish. Also counter to typical media portrayals, one round fired from any standard handgun has less than a 25 percent likelihood of stopping an attack. Odds go up substantially–to about 63 percent–with two shots.

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off

does the argument that straight white people are privileged and don't get a say actually divide us rather than further our common goal as a people? i feel like people shut straight white people up with the privilege argument and then those straight white people get defensive and eventually end up in the alt right

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

So far as pushing anyone to the alt-right in 2019… eh. The alt-right imploded. The press is just keeping the term going to milk the few remaining clicks it can get from it. There’s now debate if it was a thing or if the media lumped three strangers together and sold it as white ISIS. I think we take you if you’ve got views that are racist in 2019. Not a member of some meme from two decades back. 

The way ideas are offered to the public or repackaged by internet pundits that are unqualified is, for certain, counter-productive. Before they heard the term, got it. People who didn’t get it were mostly educated on it by net heads who didn’t really know what they were talking about. That just worked to expand a trench. 
You end up with the equivalent of people who say”I’m eating double the animals to compensate for vegans.”

Let’s say you do not understand privilege because you have seen evidence of it. You hear people talking. The speech is layered with condescending maxims such as’do’ that don’t advise you. When you ask for clarification, the people who were just picking you apart tell you it isn’t their job to educate you. Nobody is ready to engage on the subject of class which makes you feel as though nobody is really interested in solutions. The expression’garbage people’ is being thrown around. 

By Real Estate Club of America July 12, 2019 Off