Category: Self-Defense

so i'm reading that streaming is as bad or worse than vinyl/cd as it uses energy which mostly isn't renewable. vinyl/CD doesn't use as much energy post manufacturing but all that plastic is sticking around for hundreds of thousands of years. pay, what's your opinion on streaming vs. vinyl/CD in terms of environmental impact?

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

That said, I suppose advancing technology will reduce streaming waste whereas the sun is not getting any brighter for bodily. 
I am far from an expert. But I presume servers themselves are mainly trash. Then factor in the energy used. I would not be surprised to learn it is basically a pick’m between physical streaming and media for many in total waste. 

By Real Estate Club of America July 14, 2019 Off

Expanding Our Definition of ‘Abuse’

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

We, as a society, need to modify our definition of’abuse’ and expand our understanding of its scope, because operating from the narrow definition as most people understand it has profoundly adverse consequences for much too many women and their children. Lots of people (both men and women) understand the words’abuse’ and’violence’ to constitute the actual physical act of violence (striking, kicking, pushing, punching) with the result being physical harm. Often there are marks associated with this type of violence, and may serve as evidence of a physically violent incident. However, studies have found that while living with a physically abusive partner is terrifying, the long-term emotional effects of psychological or emotional abuse are significantly more pronounced. This sort of abuse is significantly harder to bring up for many women, because they feel as though they aren’t being hit, so there aren’t any issues. In actuality, many abusive men who push or slap their spouses do not view themselves as abusive because they aren’t hitting or kicking them. It’s interesting to see what constitutes abuse and violence for many. 

Thus, in order to clear things up, let us have a look at different types of abuse for which you must absolutely leave your spouse (notice that only two of them are physical). 

Research points to the fact that men that are abusive rarely change, because their abusive mentality isn’t a mental defect, but instead, it stems from his core values.  Lundy Bancroft explains the mentality of abusive men beautifully in his seminal book Why Does He Do That. Ultimately, men that are abusive are: CONTROLLING (they’ll use myriad techniques to exert and maintain control, whatever the effects on their spouse or their family), entitled (his feelings and needs come before everyone else’s constantly ), self-centred, possessive, insecure, manipulative, he twists things around so it’s never his fault, disrespectful to his partner because he feels superior to her, he confuses love and abuse, he strives to get a good public image, he feels justified in his actions, he reduces his abuse.
Abusive partners are available in many forms, so let’s take a look at a few other types of abuse. It’s important that women operate with this expanded definition, because failing to do so means that (a) that they are willing to stick things out and hope things improve, and (b) are not as likely to report their abuse. This extends from punching, kicking, slapping to physical confinement in a room and also to less obvious forms, like even poking your spouse (if the intent is to cause fear, and for the purpose of management, such as in the case of a veiled threat). Physical abuse tends to get worse over time. 
  • Sexual – any unwanted touch from your partner or a stranger is sexual abuse. Your spouse may coerce you into unwanted sexual acts through downright abusive language, or may manipulate your thinking by calling you a”prude”. Men are highly affected by porn, and since violent porn courses via the internet, many abusive men make the assumption that the women who are in porn enjoy the things that they see, so their spouse should equally enjoy doing these same things, regardless of whether they are degrading or humiliating. Furthermore, many girls in pornography are submissive, and are reduced to a human body and sex organs to the viewer, thereby heightening the abuser’s mentality that his partner is his possession and is only an object. For abusive men, porn has shaped their own sexuality and their perspectives of what’s acceptable since they had been a young boywhen abusive men realize that their spouse doesn’t find a slap in the face arousing, he thinks that is evidence of something that is wrong with her sexuality, not him. (1) Some men simply nag and control their partners into sex, even when she is in the midst of sleeping. Unacceptable. 
  • Economic – there are many types of abusers. Some men force their partner to cede control of pecuniary matters to him, and just give money to her when he feels that it is necessary. Many guys have conned their partners from money, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars. This is another type of control. 
  • Verbal – the abusive man will often use verbal assaults, telling her that she is no good whatsoever, that people are uninterested in hearing her thoughts and her stories, she is naive, stupid, uneducated, a bad mother, uncultured, blowing things out of proportion, that things are her fault, that she’s a failure, bothersome, hysterical, overly emotional, irrational, bad with money, and several other terrible things so as to maintain his control over her, and to make her believe that she’s nothing without him. 
  • Psychological – continuous criticism, put-downs, manipulation, twisting of words around, minimizing the psychological impact his actions/words have on his partner, mood swings, passive aggression, threats, hostility, intimidation – all of these things can make the woman feel like she’s going crazy. The abusive man is somewhat of a chameleon, and he does what he can to project a positive public image, though he’s sometimes awful to his spouse only moments later. This two-faced demeanour makes it difficult for women to approach her friends or family for support, because she fears that nobody would believe that her enchanting partner would be abusive towards her. This sort of abuse can cause long-term and serious psychological problems for many women, including depression, anxiety, and a number of other serious psychological and emotional problems. This type of violence is also easiest to perpetrate, and abusers (and sadly attorneys, judges and police sometimes) will protect it as”free speech”.
  • I strongly encourage girls to leave a partner who’s controlling or abusive in any of the methods which were outlined above (easier said than done. Bancroft’s book has an entire chapter on this procedure. If you can’t get a copy of the book, call a women’s abuse hotline to request help. This is a great collection of resources for women in Toronto and its environs). The kinds of abuse and the examples I gave are just a very short overview, however, and I strongly urge women to do additional research and more reading on the topic, even when you are not currently in a relationship. 

    The first step in self-defense is always preventive – avoid these negative relationships to maintain a strong sense of self, and a healthy peace of mind. Look for red-flag behaviors that betray any of the values or mentalities of an abusive man, which I have listed above.  

    You are your own advocate for security, and knowledge is power.  
    Make the choice to avoid these relationships, or leave one if you’re in one.  Why Does He Do That?

    By Real Estate Club of America July 14, 2019 Off

    Defeat A Padlock: Quick Survival Tip (Fastest”Lock-Picking” Method EVER!)

    Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

    P.S. – Incidentally … after John’s advice, I went shopping for bolt cutters and found them to be REALLY expensive (like over $150).

    Defeating Padlocks: Tips For Picking Locks

    How to Choose A Lock: Quick Tip For Defeating (Circumventing) Padlocks

    A padlock shouldn’t stand between you and your escape to the equipment or safety you need to “acquire” in a survival scenario.

    “Your survival equipment for your home and car should incorporate a pair of bolt cutters.
    You might not wish to alert the whole neighborhood that you’re banging away on a padlock with a crowbar or a brick, either. 
    A pair of bolt cutters solves all these issues. ”

    But John from Atlanta, GA added to our 250 survival hints , a method that you should always consider first…

    That’s I said that lock-picking is a cool “innovative ” ability to master for as soon as the sh*t hits the fan.

    But I picked up a set of heavy duty ones at a pawn shop some 14 and mobile ” in. Ones for my go-bag for 5 dollars.
    Most of the time, is the best strategy?
    Combat Training.

    Check out more of our reader’s greatest survival tips here.

    This is a piece of equipment overlooked by many and when a padlock is in the way of your escape or some much-needed resupply, you require a way to break the lock – quickly and gently – or you’re out of luck.

    By Real Estate Club of America July 14, 2019 Off

    The Importance of No Style

    Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

    Breaking Walls

    What imaginary walls have you built on your own?   This is worth seriously thinking about and applying to both your self defense practice and your life.  It will make you a better and more satisfied person in every way.
    Breaking down the walls will not just allow you to see beyond the limitations of various self defense and martial arts styles, but also to live your life as openly as possible in every moment.

    If the style you practice only trains striking, then you won’t know what do to if somebody gets you into a clinch or on the floor.  If the style you practice only trains grappling, then you won’t understand how to handle somebody who tries to strike you.  If the style you train only involves techniques to certain areas of your body, then you’ll be ill prepared if your opponent attacks you in an area that is off limits in your style.

    Are All Designs Bad?

    This is far harder than it may seem, and very few people have the ability to come close to attaining it.  In Zen, breaking down the walls is “enlightenment”…100% freedom of thought, not limited by anything aside from physics and biology.  It means ruining your conception of self, that you feel you are, and therefore the way you think you need to act.  It means severing all attachment to everything you have learned.
    This does not necessarily mean you should or even can forget what you have learned and experienced.  But if you wish to be able to see whatever truth exists beyond what you already think you know, if you want to see where you’re mistaken and what that you believe is wrong, then you must sever your attachments to any knowledge, group, or ideology.  If you want to see as clearly as possible, your mind has to be free to do so.  It has to be unattached to philosophy, ideology, and style.  The truth is beyond them.

    In order to train real “self-defense ”, no single style is enough.  Additionally, being limited by any single style is detrimental both mentally and physically, restricting what you have the ability to see and what you think about what works and what doesn’t work.  Whatever you train or think operates in two directions.  Thinking and your training influences how you see the world.
    The post The Significance of No Style appeared first on Functional Self Defense.

    Some styles train stand up, and some just train ground.  Some designs only train strikes, and a few just train locks.  Some styles don’t train with weapons at all, and some just train with weapons.

    This concept is also quite important beyond self defense and martial arts.  Limiting yourself to particular methods of thinking or to particular ideas and ideologies blinds you to the fact outside of them.  You literally become a prisoner of your own imaginary walls.  Anything beyond your walls becomes bad, wrong, or must be ignored in order to maintain the validity of your walls.  If you break down your walls, refusing to attach to any ideology or way of thinking, then you open your mind to the truth regardless of where it originates.  Reality and the truth exist beyond any ideology or system of thought.  The only way to see as clearly as possible is to break down your walls.

    Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do concept, which can be philosophically rooted in Zen, was and still is outstanding.  The central aspect of it is to have no personality, to avoid being limited by the confines of particular styles and to maintain a fully open mind concerning everything.  It is only with an open or empty mind that you can see clearly, without being blocked by the bounds of particular ideas and ways.

    It’s not that every style is all bad.  There are great methods, training methods, and strategies in many styles.  However, in order for a style for a specific style, it must be defined.  It has to be limited to certain ways.  And those constraints become your constraints .

    By Real Estate Club of America July 14, 2019 Off

    Self-Defense Competency: Environmental Knowledge, Rule Knowledge, and Domain Knowledge

    Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

    Millions of people expounding on different ideas of what constitutes self love. Google”self-defense competency” and the outcomes drop down to a couple million.

    What does it mean to be competent in self defense? It does not mean that you’re safe. You can safely lock yourself in your fortress-like home and still be incompetent in self-defense.

    Self defense competency is described in many ways by different people. I define it as a competency in three different, but inter-related and inter-dependent elements of Environmental Knowledge, Rule Knowledge, and Domain Knowledge.  Environmental Knowledge (EK) is understanding the general makeup of a location/area/place/surroundings. Having EK means the environment is seen by you as it exists, not as you believe it to be. EK requires understanding cultural motives in addition to social norms and human nature. And these needs and behaviors and attitudes effect the inhabitant’s rules. (Watch Marc MacYoung for the first deeper description of the concept)

    2. The Rules are created by the Environment. All human societies, groups, organizations, tribes, families, etc have some kind of Rules of Behavior. These rules are specific to the Environment, but underlying them are universal principles and concepts (that are not so hard to understand). It’s not sufficient to understand the environment, you also need to know how the rules guide behaviors, allow people to function/work, and to reward and punish behaviors. You need to understand who implements/enforces the rules, what are the principles, how the rules are communicated, how the rules are enforced, how compliance/respect for the rules is shown. Understanding the”principles” of criminal behaviour is vital to RK.

    3. Domain Awareness (DK) is having the knowledge and skills to deal with/operate in the specific Environment and also to be capable of protecting yourself and others (within reason). It is here that understanding criminal behaviour is crucial. A portion of DK is having both RK and EK. It requires RK to be derived by EK. It takes RK to develop the competency of DK. DK is what most people think of as”how to perform self-defense”. What they don’t”see” is the inherent knowledge of when to do something, what to do, why to do it, where to do it, and against whom, or not against whom, and when it works, when it doesn’t, and what to do next.

    The opposite of Self-Defense Competency is Self-Defense Incompetency. Since Self-Defense Competency requires having all three components of EK and RK and DK, incompetency means lacking any one of the three. Most Self-Defense Incompetency stems from not having a comprehensive comprehension of Environmental Knowledge. This understanding contributes to insufficient Rule wisdom and incomplete or entirely defective Domain Knowledge.

    Despite being the foundation of Self-Defense Competency, Environmental Knowledge often is assumed to be common knowledge. It’s viewed assaulting Good Guys. Environmental Knowledge is also separate from”situational awareness”. It’s not enough to simply be aware, you need to know what you are looking for, and what to know about.

    By Real Estate Club of America July 14, 2019 Off

    Ben Carson challenges sheep "I would not just stand there!"

    Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

    Republican Presidential Candidate Ben Carson creates a bold but accurate statement concerning the Oregon massacre.  “I would not just stand there and let him take me,” Carson said on Fox and Friends Tuesday morning. “I would say,’Hey guys, everybody…

    By Real Estate Club of America July 14, 2019 Off

    Sheepdog Tactical Tips: 3 Things Separating Sheepdogs From “Gun Nuts”

    Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

    Sheepdog Tactical Tips From Lt. Col Dave Grossman

    Sheepdog Tactical Tips By Lt. Col Dave Grossman


    Sheepdog Tip #3: Live Your Life In Condition Yellow!

    …or a full-sized 9mm or .45 that you can use to quickly take down all three of these if you have to?

    But condition yellow as an armed citizen does not JUST mean that you should carry as much gun and ammo as you can comfortably conceal with you.

    3 Things That Separate Sheepdogs From The Delusional”Gun Nuts”

    Keep these tenets in mind and you’ll be one step closer to living the sheepdog lifestyle, as opposed to simply joining the ranks of the delusional gun nuts.

    Any gun you take is a tool of force employed in life-and-death scenarios.
    The rest of the world shouldn’t see you passing.

    He’s paying for his crime for the rest of his life… and this might have been avoided!

    Stay aware of your surroundings.
    That means being armedforces, being ready, and being conscious at all times.
    We’re fighting a guerilla war against the wolves, choosing the time and place of battle… not walking around with a bull’s eye on our chests.

    You’re low key, you’re not looking for trouble, and your concentrated on survival.
    It isn’t hard and, while it make demand you to make some concessions where your wardrobe is concerned, this isn’t much of a sacrifice where your life and the lives of your family are involved.

    Jeff Anderson

    Jeff Anderson, Editor
    Recently I reread the tragic story of the homeowner , because he had a gun, put a trap for some neighborhood thieves.

    Dave Grossman

    Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
    When you’re staring down three thugs determined to mug you and rape your wife, what do you want on your side…
    The sheep need you, the sheepdog, to protect them from the wolves.
    The fact is, every single day, though, lots of people do it.

    I can think of no greater expert on that topic than Lt. Col. Dave Grossman.
    Most people who follow the”tactical” community, most people who are armed and a modest trained, want to consider themselves”sheepdogs.”
    …A .22 caliber mini-revolver That’s accurate to about 3 feet away…
    Understand this: there’s a continuum between the”sheep” of society — the men and women who don’t take responsibility for self love — and the sheepdog, the individuals who look after everybody else, who are prepared and ready to do violence to protect their loved ones and their communities.

    Without calling the cops, he waited in hiding for them to enter the home, and when they did, he stalked them and shot him.
    If it’s worth carrying, it’s worth knowing, inside and outside.

    There are just two people who reside somewhere up and down that continuum.
    You would be amazed how often that occurs.
    Don’t let them down!

    Sheepdog Hint #1: Carry Up To Gun as Possible Comfortably Conceal.

    I say hide since you should be living what John Farnham calls”the stealth life.”
    I know, I know: It can be inconvenient to hide a full-sized gun.
    There are too many gun owners out there carrying firearms that have never been fired.
    You want to keep your loved ones as secure as humanly possible, which means not drawing attention to yourself.

    These are the people who delude themselves into thinking they are ready for violence… and if things get just too real, they’re the first people to get in the way, or make things worse, in a real violent altercation!

    Consider it as partisan warfare against criminals.

    Sheepdog Hint #2: Train With That Weapon

    He moved his truck o they’d come burglarize his home.

    Don’t carry a mousegun if you’re able to carry and conceal a full-sized pistol.

    Please Share Your Thoughts Below Now…

    The thing is that there are a whole lot of men out there who purchase a gun and consider themselves”sheepdogs” without the training and planning to back up that attitude.
    If you’re going to carry ANY gun, you should be training with it constantly.
    There are many ways to look at this version, but to truly be a sheepdog rather than a delusional gun nut requires that you do three things.
    Crossing the line into becoming the aggressor is just one of the mistakes that separate responsible gun owners, the authentic “sheepdogs” of the world, in the delusional gun nuts.

    Recently, I discussed these issues with him, and here are a few of the lessons learned from our discussion.

    By Real Estate Club of America July 14, 2019 Off

    I Hate Candlelight Vigils: Oregon Mass Killing

    Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

    Mass Killing At Umpqua Community College In Oregon, 10 Reported Dead In Case you’re new to the Self Defense Organization we have a few rules.

    They are not”mass shootings”, that are”massacres”,”murders” or”killings.” Shooting implies that anybody who…

    By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off

    [FINAL CHANCE] Only 97 Of These Left In The Warehouse

    Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

    I wanted to give you a heads up – this seems like your one last opportunity to snag a limited edition Hybeam Tactical Flashlight absolutely free. The only told me we have less than a hundred of these things left. >> Claim yours NOW before it’s…

    By Real Estate Club of America July 13, 2019 Off