Fear Tricks Us Into Living A Boring Life

Fear Tricks Us Into Living A Boring Life

April 10, 2019 Off By Real Estate Club of America


To not keep us but to keep us dependent on the person who asks it to be said by us at the first place.
Our yes to God should scare us.
There has never been a wild thing about me my hair, my clothes, my way of life. Nothing. I have always lived a well-planned life. If you saw the first ten decades of motherhood on movie, you’d hear me say “ be cautious ” in a sing-song warning to my kids 784,200,290 times, .

“We keep track of all the failures of commission around usbut not mention the innumerable failures of omission, all the mistakes that were made by not being bold,” Seth Godin.
But now, with a God-sized yes tucked beneath my belt, people assume I am courageous.

Yes, there’s anxiety in obedience. But peace keeps us.

Security first.

Donald Miller states, “Fear tips us into living a life that is boring. ”
When it’s dropping our life for the sake of the gospel or perishing to our flesh we can let us strengthen. Stress is a current weakness; it is also a catalyst.
I like security. I like command. I like comfort.

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However, it’s.
I like a strategy.

Keep moving, scaredy cat, live daring. Everyone can be boring.
Fear keeps us moving towards God.

“Give yourself up, and you’ll find your real self. Lose your life and it will be saved by you. Submit to departure, death of your ambitions and favorite wishes daily and death of your whole body ultimately submit with each fiber of your being, and you’ll find eternal life” CS Lewis

When I explained yes to God, I didn’t understand where it would take me, however, I knew I couldn’t live another day for myself. I didn’t know waking up from the Dream and leaving behind my comfortable life will carry me on a trip of obedience.

Stress is not just uncertainty wrapped up in the unknown. When we peel bunch the layers we discover a loss of control and a lack of confidence. This ’s the origin of panic.
Therefore even since I m preparing for trips overseasout of my comfort zone, I’m still scared to death. But now we say yes anyway.

This ’s what occurs when we see people do something scary. But they are fearful –I am scared.  We overlook ’t need courage to live our faith . We don’t want bravery, we just need calmness discover that love is the remedy to what disturbs us and to look fear in the face.
I am not brave.
The times I have been afraid in my entire life –stopping protected occupations, saying yes to some dream, entering my teenager’s bedroom. We believe playing it safe and alive inside our comfort zone will be your way to truly feel alive. But when we get dirt under our nails and follow Jesus into insecure areas, this is where we all realize our relaxation actually slowly killed our joy.

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