April 10, 2019 Off By Real Estate Club of America


Within this world that is so broken, we’ve got evidence that love is louder–that we belong to each other.
In the event that you missed Holiday Hands and want to assist families across the holidays, you can give a one-time or yearly tax-deductible donation to Together Growing by heading to We keep receiving & filling requests for holiday needs via mid-December — and we also fulfill the needs of families all through the year.

Grateful for the courage of the askers and grateful for their givers’ character. Grateful that we can make the world we live in. Grateful that you created a beautiful world and showed up.
You’re unbelieveable. We Together Rising are somewhat overwhelmed, stuffed up, tired, and largely — grateful.

Or, even if you can’t provide financially, but wish to provide holiday romance, we’ve got a section of lists asking for ideas /letters /reinforcement / prayers — please head over to this “Together Letters” part here to connect with a family .

G & Together Growing

Thank you for making the 8th Annual Holiday Hands another wonder!!!
LISTER REMINDERS:  From the email approving your listing, there is a hyperlink to your listing, which is the easiest way to get to your list. Please visit your list and compose a note into your givers at the”Leave a Comment” section saying that you view their answers and are excited about connecting with them via email. Givers will not send their gifts until you record their name and determine what they’re currently sending you in the remarks section, so please remember this measure. You must be getting an email from your giver(s) at the email address that you provided when you submitted your list. Please reply back to them as fast as you can.

In Together Rising, your confidence is everything to us. We respect our commitment to this community by researching each need we meet our everyday and holiday, as well as every Holiday Hands petition. We’re incapable review requests made directly on social networking, so instead of matching giving to requests our social networking pages, we request that should you missed the chance to record your desire in Holiday Hands, please head to our petition assistance page and inform us about your requirement.

And, Finally, if you engaged in Holiday Hands as a Lister or Giver: THANK YOU!!!!

GIVER REMINDERS:  in the event you commented about a Holiday Hands list which you would contribute — even if others commented– please make sure you sent an email right to the lister (via the”Contact” link near the top of the list ) to tell them what you may send and ask for the address at which you must send your present. Please also ask the lister to write a comment on the list. Please attempt to ship your present the listers will be eagerly awaiting your gift When your gift is acknowledged by the lister in the comments!

During our Holiday Hands schedule, you fulfilled the needs of 500 households, tuesday.



Here are just three of the households you’ve showed up for:

Please take a look at these important reminders to keep the magic heading:

Is not it crazy? We invest as much time looking at the planet using all our hearts – thinking that it were different. Allowing people cared for one another. Wishing folks would be kinder, reside bigger, think beyond themselves.

And then 1 evening we find ourselves leaping in and MAKING IT SO. These 500 households will go to bed tonight in a kinder, bigger, smaller world than the one that they awakened in Tuesday.

Visit to list your home for sale by owner!