The Pain-Free Back by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming

June 11, 2019 Off By Real Estate Club of America

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

There’s then a chapter that introduces qigong for back pain, and then the real qigong exercises that will help your spine and back with the goal of having a pain-free back.

I had Spina Bifida surgery as a baby, and for that reason have had back problems my entire life. My morning routine includes doing certain back exercises that I learned from various sources, such as my Qigong teacher in Korea when I lived there in the 90s. I found a couple of new movements in this book I have been merged into my routine. I am sure that these preventative exercises keep me from experiencing back pain, and I know the times I have experienced back pain qigong movements and other exercises have helped get me through it quicker.
The book has chapters on how the Chinese cure back pain, understanding our spine, potential causes of back pain, and how Western Medicine treats back pain. I found all of these chapters. The provide about the amount of information for the lay person. There’ll be some who wish to find more details on these topics.

Qigong has been practiced in Asia for centuries for healing and prevention of injuries and sickness. It’s now practiced around the world. One of the leading instructors in the USA is Dr. Yang, Jwing-ming. Through his books, DVDs, and live education, he has been able to help millions of English language speakers learn and practice Qigong.
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In The Pain-Free Back: 54 Simple Qigong Movements for Healing and Prevention, Dr. Yang focuses on teaching qigong movements that will help the reader work toward pain-free motion. Anyone who experiences back pain could probably benefit from the material Dr. Yang teaches.

The Pain-Free Back is an excelling publication for those coping with back pain.

Pain-Free Back video review:

This is a rather simple book, not quite as in-depth as some of Dr. Yang’s other qigong texts, but that is because it has a narrow focus to help those with back pain. For that purpose, he did an excellent job. I suggest this to anyone dealing with back pain which needs a simple program of exercises and movements to alleviate their pain and keep it from coming back.