Three Types of Learning – Which One Do You Use?

July 9, 2019 Off By Real Estate Club of America

Please note that we are NOT the original writers of this blog post. All credit goes to the original writers. Find the original post as published at this link:

There are three Different categories of learning: Vertical Learning, Horizontal Learning, and Connective Learning.

Vertical Learning is the process of learning in a step by step linear style. You begin with the basics and build on the basics with successively more complex concepts, skills, tasks, etc.. Learning math is an example of this process. Added and subtraction leads to algebra with leads to calculus, etc. Vertical Learning is typical in the martial arts in which basic skills are taught to beginning students and more advanced skills are taught to students that have mastered the fundamentals. Colored belts that designate position is typically a mark of Vertical Learning.

Step 1 -> Step 2 -> Step 3 -> Step 4

Horizontal Learning is the process of learning additional theories, skills, tasks, etc. which are independent of previous learning. Using math , learning geometry is distinct from learning statistics. One area doesn’t necessarily build upon another. In the martial arts, Horizontal Learning is seen by successive learning of different unrelated styles of martial arts. The person who has a belts in Karate, BJJ, Aikido, and Tai Chi is utilizing Horizontal Learning.

Topic A + Subject B + Subject C + Subject D

The third method is Connective Learning. Connective Learning is the process of incorporating and networking concepts, skills, tasks, etc. together to achieve understanding. Connective Learning is about building the understanding of the connections between different concepts, skills, and tasks. The math example is seeing the relation of the common principles between geometry, statistics, and calculus. The martial artist that is able to relate the outwardly differing elements of various styles together to create unifying principles is using Connective Learning process. Acquiring and applying is a form processing. Therefore, intelligence is the ability to process knowledge and skills. The mind is the body’s central processor. It utilizes an estimated 100 billion brain cells that each hold pieces of data and communicate with each other to store information, knowledge, and perform tasks. Connective Learning is the process of interconnecting (integrating) these Cells together as efficacy as possible. If each link is represented by a line, Vertical Learning utilizes three lines to connect four Measures. Horizontal Learning uses three lines to connect four Subjects. But Connective Learning is the process of creating the permutations (relationships, integrations, connectivity) between those boosters. How many different permutations can come from 8 different Cells? The answer is 40,320! Therefore, effective Connective Learning requires highlighting the “best” permutations. At that point, the student should understand that he or she’s currently developing connectivity as opposed to either a more complex skill or an extra skill. Therefore, a vital part of this Connective Learning procedure is the basic understanding of these three types of learning.