Townes Nova // 4 Months

Townes Nova // 4 Months

April 9, 2019 Off By Real Estate Club of America

I am excited though that far, I have only missed one monthhaha. We are going to see how it ends up come. 

  • His skin remains super dry [and we really made a special trip back to the physician for a psoriasis flare up all over his body] along with his scalp nevertheless has cradle cap. We have been lathering him up with cortisone per the information of the ped and covering that with vaseline. His skin looks sensitive and gets bumpy and red from the blue. We wash his possessions in Tide clear and free and have not changed anything but his body gets flare ups a great deal. 
  • He fits comfortably in 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. While he is away from me when I am at work that he takes roughly 3-6 ounce. Per bottle/twice within an 8 hour period. He’s not a comfort nurser, but we’re out and when he gets tired, he probably will fall asleep! Since we are currently contemplating doing Baby Led Weaning we’re waiting to start him. Whether I’m up for it, I really don’t know, but we will see. I believe, if we decide to get it done, we’re going to wait till the first week of March or so, if Townsie is over 5 weeks.  This kind of conundrum. The ideal word to describe his sleep is that it is always INCONSISTENT. Ipersonally, like a glutton for punishment, track his sleep and wakeup times and they’re all over the area. No patterns. 
  • Some nights he has three aftermath ups and a few nights he’s one. Some nights he will sleep 5-7 hours for his stretch along with that he hardly makes it two nights. 
  • We’ve started allowing him CIO when placing him down to the evening and he seldom ever even cries. I had been hoping that might help him figure out how to soothe himself back to sleep soundly through the night time but it has done that.   The each 1-2 hour wakeups, although I do not mind waking up, I truly don’t [during the holidays–yay–ugh!] Killed me. 
  • Each of the physician’s information, I feed him around 30 minutes before bed so that he goes to sleep properly used to not using a super full tummy. I believe this might be assisting him. 
  • I’ve noticed that he’s going down and for longer moves during the nighttime than he used to. 
  • He is in a sleeping sofa and utilizes his lovie and palms to attempt to self soothe.  Haha. We didn’t wish to possess him CIO for naps but swaying him and nursing him were customs we didn’t want to maintain [plus–they n’t even worked ]. We appreciate sleeping for him and want him to be able to acquire rest.  He can’t figure out how to get past that first sleep cycle and I am hoping he gets it. At father and my mother in law he appears to have achievement that is much better and longer naps –that I wish I understood the secret! 
  • He’s never taken a rest more than 1.5 hours at the infant for me, but has obtained more than 2 hour naps at the packn’ play for my mother in law. Who knows!  To how it is it can literally go from hour to hour. So weird. I’m hoping it gets!
  • In his 4 month appointment that the doctor noticed he had a flat place on the right side of the mind. She was worried because she did see that sort of place on front but more-so on the back. Townes was called by her said she was concerned if his skull sutures were calibrated, he may need surgery. Cue mom freak out.  Less of a freak out was to the Potential helmet. Say what? A helmet? I thought I had done everything’right’ . Obviously I felt accountable. I was hard on myself since I believed I’d made certain he wouldn’t get a level spot by not letting him use the rockn’ play & only let him sleeping in the fold for only AND naps a few weeks! Guilt is so strong. 
  • The surgeon was not convinced he had a helmet and had been confident his sutures had not fused. We wouldn’t need the operation [thankfully!] But we did receive a referral for a physical therapist. She assessed him last week, he’ll be going for an undetermined quantity of time, and also will work on adjusting his [or neck muscles that are weak ]. He said he probably developed them at the uterus [which caused me to feel less at fault–I know, ridiculous, however true] and stated that the treatment would help him to flake out and favor his left side as he does his side. 
  • The therapist wasn’t convinced he needed the helmet unless we just wanted him to have a perfectly round head. She said the place wouldn’t probably go away per se, but with his mind increase and hair growth it wouldn’t be that noticeable. We chose to forego the helmet especially because it is actually only noticeable if standing on his mind, which likely won’t occur as he ages from appearing down. 
  • I do not understand about you. . .but he seems pretty great for me.
  • He adores reaching out for toys of all types and does a silent giggle here and there
  • He eventually has actually uttered his carseat well and doesn’t cry when you place him in it and sometimes even coos during the ride! Success!
  • We’re working hard on tummy time to strengthen those throat muscles and that he actually prefers that to being on his back

    • Entire my anxiety has diminished as sleep has gotten better. Townes being joyful during alert time makes me such a happier momma! I love that Dave and I tag-team everything. He’s the best partner, husband, and dad I’ve ever dreamed of getting. The week days fly by and the weekends seem so long–especially being awake with just two little ones. Maintain the days moving and we try to get out so that we keep Theron entertained! When Townes fights with napping [i.e. nearly every weekend!] It is very important to keep us occupied to not live on another nap–haha. 
    • I am adoring Townsie in this smiley stage and’m getting very excited for the sitting up unassisted stage and riding in carts point.  Thanks for bringing to our world. 


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